Student Activities

Explore your options

At Estudiar, students take part in a broad range of academic, cultural, social, and political organizations. Write for the school newspaper, work with university leaders through student government, make your debut with visual and performing arts groups, and lend a hand in community service.


Through more than 1,300 events each year, students get a front-row seat to history as it’s being made. Like a student at Campbell University you will have access to workshops, lectures, performances, interviews, and more.

Through more than 1,300 events each year, students get a front-row seat to history as it’s being made. Like a student at Campbell University you will have access to workshops, lectures, performances, interviews, and more.

Featured Clubs & Organizations

If you have not yet decided on Saturday plans, we have the #answer for you. ➡️ Be part of our Online – Discussion on the

Konferenca Kombëtare “Guida Studentore e Punësimit”

Unioni i Këshillave Studentorë me ndihmën dhe kontributin e secilit prej jush, kthyeu buzëqeshjen tek disa fëmijë për festat e fundvitit 🎄🎁🎄🎁

Me nismën
#eja&ti #gëzo1fëmijë 🎁🎄
shumë të rinj dhe qytetarë kontribuan me ushqime, veshje, lodra, ose të mira të tjera materiale ne vend grumbullimin e ndihmave tek 📌Stadiumi Dinamo, Komuna e Parisit.

Këshilla për Menaxhimin e kohës

Menaxhimi efektiv i kohës Tradicionalisht, shumica e njerëzve e gjejnë normën në edukim për të përfshirë leksionet në klasa fizike. Ndërveprimi mësues-nxënës perceptohet si vetëm


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?